Kayla is Heading for Trouble

Kayla really better watch it with Mia. I've had some killer assignments too, but she's acting like Mia can't get to her and I've seen her mean side. Kayla has too. It's why she's wearing heels right now and has to answer to Kayla instead of Kevin. I think she's going to get punished sooner rather than later if Kayla doesn't start acting like a proper sissy slave.

Mia can be quite intimidating when she wants to be, and Kayla needs to remember that she is not above Mia's authority. Mia is the closest thing to a mistress she has. If Kayla continues to act out, Mia may take it upon herself to give her an attitude adjustment. It's best for Kayla to remember her place and act with respect and obedience towards Mia. Otherwise, she may find herself in a situation she won't be able to get out of. Kayla has never had to wear a dress or heels to class or been made to do so many humiliating things Mia has already thought of. I'm sure that we could find a karaoke night where Kayla could sing her favorite Taylor Swift songs while wearing her heels and dress. Mia is one of the sweetest kindest people I know, but I wouldn't underestimate her one bit or Kayla is likely to find herself in a world of trouble.

I am really looking forward to the lingerie party. I already purchased my contribution and now that we have a space for Kayla to model and to pose for pictures, it's going to become an amazing night.


  1. I'm sorry if I almost ruined your plans but she always underestimates you. I knew you had this.

  2. Was it Mia who taught Kayla to put her hair up in rollers?


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